"Jacub's Page"

Born: Approx. 2000 to 2003
Breed: Holland Lop
Color: Blue Steel
Sex: Male

Jacub was rescued from deplorable conditions. He was one of many bunnies seized from a rabbit hoarder in Ohio. He was starved and down to skin and bones. Many thanks to a wonderful woman named Theresa he was nursed back to health and happiness!!!

Here are a few pics of Jacub's first few days home with us



Doesn't he have a really kissable face?? Here he is again during his first Christmas with us... in Uncle Butch's arms... awww!!!

Here he is during a bonding session with Lego


While he not a bunny fond of being held and cuddled he sure does know how to kick up his heals!!!


I just love those ears!! He too has a sweet tooth... now I ask you... is there a bunny out there without a sweet tooth hehe??

Hope you enjoyed the pics!!!

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